
What is a Heart Attack?

A heart attack happens when the blood to the heart muscle is blocked, stopping the heart from getting the oxygen it needs. Without oxygen, part of the heart muscle can get damaged, and if not treated quickly, this damage can become permanent.

What Causes a Heart Attack?

A heart attack is mostly caused by a problem in the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart. Over time, fat, cholesterol, and other substances can build up inside the blood vessels, making them narrow. This buildup can block the blood flow to the heart.

Sometimes, this buildup can break, open and form a blood clot, which can completely block the blood flow. When that happens, part of the heart doesn’t get enough oxygen, and it can be damaged.

Heart attacks can be serious in different ways:

  • An acute complete blockage of a large blood vessel causes a more severe heart attack that needs immediate treatment.
  • A partial blockage can cause a less serious heart attack but still needs attention.

Understanding what causes a heart attack helps highlight why it’s so important to seek medical help quickly when symptoms appear.

